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Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
All youth, ages 11 - 16, are invited and welcomed to join us as we gather
to study God's Word, and help the youth apply it to their lives,
all while enjoying great fellowship and having fun!
Youth Group will meet twice each month on Frday evenings at 6:00 p.m. One Friday,
we will meet at the church and the other Friday, we will meet for a fun event,
either at the Church or an outside location.
For details, dates, questions or additional information please see Chuck Amaru
Or contact the church:
Phone: 413-781-1686,
VBS is our annual, weeklong, evening event for children ages 4 years to 11 years old.
It is held the 2nd week of August, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Every year our church is transformed into a fun and exciting theme,
which is Christ centered. Each evening the children participate in songs,
bible study, games, crafts, and a snack. Everythig that happens during
VBS grows
out of the biblical content and kids can connect to God's Word in a
creative and fun setting where the gospel message can speak into their
hearts! Most important, the kids have a blast!
The safety of your children is our first priority; our staff is fully trained and CORI checked.
Teen Camp is held the 2nd week of August, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
During the teen years, kids are being bombarded by loud voices telling them what they should do,
where they should go, who they should be and what they should believe. Kids of all ages,
especially teens, need to know that in the midst of these voices there is
One, and only One,
they can totally depend on -
Jesus Christ!
Each day the teens will enjoy worship, games, team building exercises, snacks
and, most importantly, time in God's Word!
Join us for a week you will never forget!!